Soul Retrieval is a method of regaining a feeling of wholeness. Body Mind Spirit as a complete unit. You feel centred and grounded once your Body Mind Spirit reconnect for a happier healthier you. Partial loss of your spirit /soul occurs during personal trauma. Once these soul parts disconnect /scatter from the Body Mind Spirit as a whole, they need retrieval. During extreme distress you feel scattered, not your normal self. Eg Grief - loss of a loved one /pet, relationship breakup, stress, shock of illness, traumatic event ,accident, abuse as a child /adult. A Soul Retrieval Healing returns scattered soul parts with astounding results.We all experience loss of spirit during times of personal trauma.You will feel happier whole and complete after a Soul Retrieval Healing.

But soul retrieval is continuous process Because Even small Negative emotions leads to soul loss or  soul fragmentation . Also 

1: Trauma in your life
2: Loss of  loved ones from Family members or a close friend.
3: Separation with love one
4: Accidents
5. Undergo Major Surgery
5: Continues long term suffering
6: Mental and psychic attacks
7: Consciously losing part of self to someone (Romeos)

The list is long as there are innumerable reasons for the fragmentation or hiding of a part of self. It is said we continuously learn new things and well lose what no more serves us. While the event was just as easy to fall into the recovery may take years or may never happen. People learn to manage with the damage. We wish to talk about soul fragmentation. You may wonder how soul fragmentation occurs since the soul is part of the Creator. The soul that exists on Earth’s plane is not the oversoul. On this plane, soul fragmentation happens on a daily basis, and human beings are not aware that it happens. Whenever excessive fear occurs, part of the soul fragments, for it cannot handle this fear energy. When soul fragmentation happens, the part of the soul containing gifts and abilities leaves you.


So there will be many souls losses until our death and you to pay Hundreds and thousands of dollars for Healer to get Soul Fragment Retrieval of those soul losses in your life.  The astonishing thing is that we are unaware of the fact that we are moving without that part of soul. In some major traumatic condition soul loses even more than 4% of his soul. Lifetime after lifetime soul continues to lose some part of it and this becomes the vicious circle.

The trauma that cause part of the soul to leave the body and the process by which the parts can be retrieved, is called  soul retrieval. Sometimes these Loss souls cannot be retrieved by Shaman too. So what is the solution? Simply work on Archangels because they are Co-creators.

Benefits of Soul Retrieval and Extraction

Each person is unique and will experience different results from their soul retrieval.  Some of the benefits that have been experienced by those who have received a soul retrieval include:

Ø  The ability to respond to life vs. reacting to it

Ø   A greater ability to make decisions

Ø   Feeling more present in their life

Ø   The ability to move past an issue that previously could not

Ø   The ability to begin dealing with grief

Ø   Breaking old patterns – removing the “magnets” that draw the same situations to your life

Ø   Understanding the root cause behind physical illness and healing it

Ø   Healing emotional trauma and conditioning from childhood

Ø   Healing deep emotional trauma and conditioning from sexual abuse

Ø   Healing emotional pain and patterns from relationships

Ø   Healing trauma and breaking patterns from past lives (whether you believe in them or not!)

Ø   Removal of energy attachments

Ø   Changing limiting or negatives beliefs Remove phobias

Ø   Understanding yourself and your soul contracts

Ø   Reconciling relationships

Ø   Increased vitality

Ø   An expanded sense of wholeness and well-being

Ø   Greater ability to release addictions and maintain changes

Ø   Stronger connection to spiritual source and soul purpose

Ø   Strengthened immune system

ØFeeling more balanced and centered

Get Soul retrieval from the below link


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