Metatron Crystalline Light Body Activation

This body of light is the one that the crystal children are entering the planet with. Your body will be able to reach a much higher vibration, ten times higher than a non-crystalline body. It is an amazing gift for these times. This is pure love vibration channeled from Source energy and brought to the Earth at this time as a DNA Activation tool for the new Divine Human Template. This transformative tool is a vital step in the human ascension process. As the human shifts in energy along with Mother Earth, new chakra systems are being formed within the human body in order to accommodate this new energy flow. Even those who have already begun their ascension process will find a more rapid and complete transition upon receiving this Activation.

Benefits  upon  Activation

Ø   A deeper more integrated connection to our Beloved I Am Presence and God through the recognition of ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

Ø   Releasing of old false beliefs and judgments, victim/persecutor consciousness, disillusionment and separation.

Ø   Moving more into detachment while experiencing a greater flow and depth of all emotions.

Ø   An increased number of synchronistic events start to occur in our everyday lives as the veils of illusion lift and we see clearing through our master eyes knowing that we are Divinely guided in this Golden Age of Light.

Ø   Perceptual shifts and the ability to read the energy of others more clearly.

Ø   A sense of no-time, no space ~ linear time dissolving into a more multidimensional time frame of simply being in the Now.

Ø   Bringing in of multidimensional memories of our Highest Potential in parallel realities through the merging of our multidimensional Selves.

Ø   Increased creative gifts and a greater colour spectrum visibility.

Ø   Increased ESP gifts such as telepathy, clairvoyance and clairaudience.

Ø   Increased abilities to manifest and magnetize all that we need in any given Now moment.

Ø   Clears energetic blockages

Ø   Balances the current chakra system

Ø   Facilitates the transition to the new chakra patterns

Ø   Connects you to the new Mother Earth grid

Ø   Balancing of the Divine Feminine/Masculine energies

Ø   Receive a new High Dimensional personal ascension guide

Ø   Receive and hold more Light in your physical body

Ø   Increased self-love and self-trust

Ø   Release old patterns and limiting beliefs

Ø   More easily access sacred knowledge within oneself

Ø   Aligns you to your spiritual path for this life time

Ø   Greater awareness and expanded consciousness

Ø   Creates a stronger immune system

Ø   Develop your intuitive abilities

Ø   Increased vitality and desire for healthy foods

Ø   Unlocks new spiritual talents and abilities

Get Metatron Crystalline Light body Activation from the Below link


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