J-Seals, Implants, and Unnatural Seals Removal

These seals originated thousands of years ago, and it is really important the seals are removed for the spiritual development and ascension of each and every human to begin... There are negative entities who are only placed here to keep us from finding our light, and unable to work on our ascension because the chaos they create in our hearts and mind. There are also energy body implants that run negative programs. These etheric implants are non-physical devices that can be found planted into our energy body. These devices operate within the 4th Dimension and they are designed to keep us asleep and energetically tied to the 3D Matrix. They can block energy flow, block chakras, siphon off our life force, keep negative programming running and switch off our gifts. There are also multiple implants and seals to the energetic circuits. A number of authors in past have described them. Jehovian seals or J seals, Metatronic Implants, Templar Seals, Cell death programs, Tower of Babel Seal, Karmic Containment Units, Avalon Seal, Crown of Thorns, Templar-Axion Seal etc.

Benefits of J-Seals, implants, and Unnatural  Seals  Removal Activation


Ø   Ability to reach higher states such as bliss and unconditional love
Ø   Better connection to Higher-Self / Devine-Self
Ø   Ability to breathe better and better circulation
Ø   Dissipation of back, neck and knee problems
Ø   More psychic skills
Ø   Curing of the unexplained long term dis-eases
Ø   Original Divine Blueprint restored
Ø   The removal of these J-seals is the most important thing a person can do at this point in time
Ø   Better connection to Higher self
Ø   Assists in the DNA activation process
Ø   Receive much more intuition from your Higher self and you can start making your free-will choices in line with the Higher self
Ø   Restore our organic imprint for optimal health and well being
Ø   A natural light will be restored, not only to us, but the Earths Crystalline Grid
Ø   Evolution towards frequencies of love and higher dimensions
Ø   More psychic skills noticed
Ø   Reach higher states such as bliss and unconditional love
Ø   Back, neck and knee problems dissipate
Ø   Breathe better

Get J-Seals, Implants, and Unnatural Seals removal from the below link


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