Benefits upon Activation

Ø   Cleanse and balance all of your chakras, awakening them to a greater light.

Ø   Activate your true soul’s purpose or bring you back into balance with your soul purpose.

Ø   Receive greater clarity in all areas of your life

Ø   Clear old patterns, any negativity and anything else that no longer serves you and your purpose.

Ø   Develop a divine connection with your Angels, guides and higher self in accordance with your beliefs, or strengthen your existing connection.

Ø   Improve your healing and intuitive abilities by receiving more guidance.

Ø   Activate your light body and bring in fifth dimensional frequencies increasing feelings of universal love, oneness, compassion and forgiveness.

Ø   Bring in healing to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Ø   Raise your vibration to a higher frequency of light, so that manifestations improve, relationships and all areas of your life improve, whilst also forming a protective light of love around you that automatically deflects any negativity from other people or heals any negative thoughts and patterns from within yourself.

Ø   Psychic abilities like clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, clairgustance, empaths are activated.

Ø   Clarity of life purpose and soul mission.

Ø   Removes energetic blockages between us and higher self, over soul consciousness etc.

Ø   Increased brain capacity and expanded memory.

Ø   Clears genetic and karmic patterns leading to positive changes in health, finances, career and relationships.

Ø   Builds resiliency and personal will power.

Ø   Increased immune system.

Ø   Reversal of aging process.

Ø   Quicker manifestation of desires.

Ø   Accelerated ascension.

Get 144,000 Starnds of DNA Activation from below link


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