Grounding Empowerment

 Grounding is a very Important Technique to aid you on your path and should be one of the first technique you learn when you embark upon your spiritual journey. Grounding is  a method of stabilizing the physical body amid intense changes and transitions by aligning it with the energy of the earth. Because Spiritual work may often "POP" us into the Transcendent, Grounding will Literally bring us “back to earth" . This is Because we are Spiritual Being with Four Different bodies ( Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual) and only one of which is Physical.

 Feel Grounded all the times. Grounding is one of the important factor in Spiritual evolutions. You may do  Regular Meditations, Chakra or Aura Cleansing, Other energy activations etc You may not feel at all or You may have get Headache because you have accumulated too much energy in your body, or even you feel energetic it may be for very few minutes. The reason is you are Not Grounded. Grounding do three things. First The excess you have which makes you Headache is send to earth , Second is it stops energy leakages. Third is it elevate your energy levels if Low energy. Grounding will either relieve you from being over energized or give you new energy. So these activations make you grounded all the times. Here are the benefits of the grounding


Ø   Reducing inflammation by defusing excess positive electrons

Ø   Reducing chronic pain

Ø   Improving Sleep (I can vouch strongly for this!)

Ø   Increasing Energy (I noticed this also)

Ø   Lowering stress and promoting calmness by reducing stress hormones.

Ø   Normalizing biological rhythms including circadian rhythm

Ø   Improving blood pressure and blood flow

Ø   Relieving muscle tension and headache (I noticed this)

Ø   Lessens menstrual and female hormone symptoms

Ø   Speeds healing- used in some places to prevent bed sores

Ø   Can eliminate jet lag

Ø   Protecting the body from EMFs

Ø   Shortens recovery time from injury or athletic activity

Ø   Reducing or eliminating snoring

Ø   Helping support adrenal health

Ø   Brings the Physical body into harmony and Balance

Ø   Allows the body to Heal more quickly and deeply.

Ø   Can improve Physical Body Health and Vitality ( Organs and Glands do not Function Optimally when left Ungrounded )

Get Grounding Empowerment from the Below link 


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