What are Axiatonal Lines and why do they need to be reconnected? All that exists is SOURCE. Un-Differentiated Source continually differentiates, and casts parts of Himself or Herself out into Creation as Self in order to simply experience all there is to experience. After differentiation occurs, several successive “deeper probes” are sent in order to express and experience greater and greater levels of subtlety of Life. At the end of the “program”, when a theme has played out, all aspects of Source then return back to the Un-Differentiated Source. This process starts all over again, and carries on for eternity to explore other themes. This, in a nutshell, is the Big Picture. A long time ago, there was a “rebellion” of sorts. The lower aspects of Self wanted to go off on their own. When we consciously renounced our Divinity, we separated from the rest of Self. This break occurred below the Oversoul level. By agreement, the Higher Self remained with the separated Self under the condition of non-interference; and to provide assistance only when called upon to assist. The etheric body which inter-penetrates the physical body consists of many higher dimensional templates. When separation from the larger Self occurred, a set of lines known as axiatonal lines (or axiatonal meridians) that connect all levels of Self were also severed. These axiatonal lines used to feed into a 5th dimensional circulatory system known as the axial circulatory system, as well as the 4th dimensional acupuncture meridians. This flow of higher energy used to maintain the physical body and its organs, as well as the emotional and mental bodies in perfect harmony. When the axiatonal lines were severed, the axial circulatory system became dormant. The acupuncture meridians were left to draw just enough energy to sustain life. The separated aspects of Self then limped along at subsistence levels of energy, and continued a karmic existence. All previous awareness of the larger Self was also veiled. The Lower Self then took on a life of its own, characterized by fear, self-will and pride. Through the varied life experiences orchestrated by the Soul, the personality begins to realize that it is a part of a larger aspect of Self, and that this larger aspect of Self is in turn part of a larger Whole. By now, the yearning to reconnect with the rest of Self is very great. It is that desire to reconnect, and the willingness to reconnect that makes the reconnection possible. The larger Self is just as eager to reconnect, because separation is very unnatural for Spirit. The larger Self has been held back from higher evolution, because the separated Self has been “stuck”. The larger Self is willing and eager to assist in the reintegration, and can facilitate the process with great ease. There are three very important conditions that must be fulfilled before we can return to Wholeness. The Axiatonal system connects the body energy flow to the universal energy. A proper Axiatonal activation creates deep healing and harmonization of the body energy. All old emotions, experiences and hurts normally clear off during this session. Also it creates lasting changes in emotions, health and life choices.

Benefits of Axiatonal Activation 

Ø   A release of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual blockages

Ø   Balancing of the male and female sides of the body

Ø   A clearer, stronger connection to the Higher Self

Ø   Sharper intuition and more ease in following it

Ø   Balances your chakras and the polarity of your body (re. the male and female sides of the body)

Ø   Balances, centers and focuses the mind

Ø   Produces deep relaxation and a sense of well-being

Ø   Powerfully boosts the effects of other therapies such as Reiki, Massage and Reflexolog

Ø   Opens and aligns your meridian channels, and remove any blockages

Ø   Shields the energy system from negative energy

Ø   Releases any physical, emotional or spiritual limitations

Ø   Clearing negative emotional patterns

Ø   Deep relaxation and sense of well-being

Ø   Facilitate deeper meditation

Ø   Powerfully boosting the effects of other therapies such as Reiki, Massage and Reflexology.

Ø   Improves physical mobility and mental alertness

Ø   Enhances your intuitive abilities

Ø   Helps to resolve issues through vivid dreams and memory flashbacks.

Ø   Opens your energy channels (meridians) to increase flow of life force (prana, chi, ki )

Ø   Assists is clearing blockages, releasing limitations

Ø   Helps to relax and deepen into a calm, peaceful and/or meditative state

Ø   Instills balance, rejuvenation and harmony

Ø   At one time our own Axiatonal lines were connected to the cosmic lattice, however, over time we have become disconnected from these lines.  There are a lot of different reasons why we could get disconnected from our energy field and get unbalanced and out of harmony. Stress, worry, emotional issues, physical injuries or conditions, MRI's, radiation, chemotherapy or surgeries are common reasons.

Axiatonal Alignment from the Below link


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